Friday, January 30, 2009


This is the first word that came to mind when thinking about this whole process of starting my own company... I checked the Thesaurus to be sure what I think about ecstatic is right-it was.

Even the "frenzied, gone, mad" synonyms are correct! I am so happy I decided to jump in and do this. A good friend once told me that starting your own business can be a lonely thing because it's new and those around you just might not get it. So true, but this is not the case for me and I am SO blessed! So I have to say thanks! (Grammy Style)

Geri from The Style Laboratory has been hands down, most helpful. Thank you for the time, patience and advice (and my fantastic logo and web site!) My "sister" Jean from Violets Events has been uber supportive and gets what I'm going thru since she forged this path before me. Matthew and Bruce "The Wedding Guys" also, thank you for your encouraging words. What you guys do (and will do) for our industry and region is most appreciated! (Wrap it up music is starting.) I also appreciate all of the calls and emails from other vendors. This is an amazing industry to be a part of, the comradery and support is unbelievable!

(photo is of my booth at Summer Harsh Botanical Artistry's first Wedding Fair)

My friends and family...Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I promise I'll buy you a cocktail!